A work between VNUHCM and Kyushu University of Japan.
At the work, Vice President of Kyushu University Prof. Koichiro Watanabe said that Prof. Labor Hero Luong Dinh Cua and Prof. Vo Tong Xuan were the two famous Vietnamese people who had ever studied in the Kyushu university.
He hoped that Vietnam’s universities including National University Ho Chi Minh City would be an important partner of the Kyushu University.
Mr. Huynh Thanh Dat, Director of Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City desired that VNUHCM and the Kyushu University would strengthen further mutual cooperation in the upcoming time suggesting that both sides will focus on and sign cooperation agreement in the five sectors of anti- flood model for Ho Chi Minh City, high- tech agricultural research and application, learning exchange and human resources training.
The Kyushu University, one of leading educational and research universities in Japan and in the world, was established in Fukuoka in 1911.
Currently, the university has around 18,700 students with 2,200 foreign students./.