Vietnamese | English

08/10/2024 - 15:50

Training high quality human resources to meet development needs

The 11th Long An Provincial Party Congress, term 2020-2025, set out 7 social targets, including the rate of trained workers reaching 75% by 2025 (35% with degrees and certificates). In addition, the Congress also identified the Human Resource Training Program to meet the needs of industrial and agricultural development of the province as one of the 3 breakthrough programs in the term 2020-2025. To achieve these goals, focusing on human resource training is one of the key solutions being implemented in recent times.

Efforts throughout the term

According to the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, by June 2024, the province had 75.63% of trained workers and the rate of trained workers with degrees and certificates was 33.70%. This is a quite positive result and affirms the effectiveness of the policies that have been implemented in the past time.

A working delegation from the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs surveys at Long An's vocational training institutions

More than 1 month after the start of the new school year, training activities at Long An College have been put into order. This school year, the College enrolled 4,238 students in intermediate and college levels, reaching 103.4% of the set target (4,100 students). In particular, the school pays special attention to international cooperation training programs.

Recently, the school has cooperated with the German International Cooperation Organization (GIZ) to train 148 students in Mechatronics according to German standards; the Aus4skill project of the Australian Government to train in Logistics according to Australian standards, etc.

These are "hot" occupations in the province because of their high applicability, and trained workers are capable of working immediately at enterprises.

Students of the Mechatronics faculty learn to operate and use machinery according to German standards

As a final-year student of the Mechatronics faculty, Do Anh Khoi (Nhi Thanh commune, Thu Thua district) has the opportunity to approach many potential employers. Khoi shared: "In addition to learning knowledge about mechanics, electricity, electronics, how to use machinery, welding tools, lathes, milling according to German standards, I also have the opportunity to intern at foreign enterprises with branches in and outside the province. Through the internship, I learned about working style, corporate culture and adjusted the necessary professional skills and soft skills to apply for suitable positions".

In addition to Long An College, vocational training institutions in the province also promoted cooperation with universities and colleges outside the province, university training, joint training, vocational training, etc. The coordination of training enterprises according to the address is promoted. In 2024, the province coordinated with 215 enterprises, an increase of 67 enterprises compared to 2020 so that vocational training is increasingly closer to the needs of the labor market.

Communication work, orientation of student streaming is focused on through news, articles, videos on newspapers, radio, especially the talk show "Career guidance program - University is not the only path". From there, students can choose the appropriate direction for themselves. Since 2021, the average enrollment of intermediate and college students in the province has reached about 3,887 people/year, an increase of more than 1,000 people compared to the period 2018-2020.

In addition, with more than 11,600 students of the province studying at colleges and universities outside the province, the Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs organizes direct consultation for students on the province's socio-economic development orientation, policies to support working abroad, study loan policies as well as mobilizing students to work in the province after graduation.

Accelerating to complete targets

“In addition to the achieved results, human resource training also faces many difficulties: The number of students entering vocational training compared to the training scale is still low; the training professions in the province are still few; the teaching staff is lacking, especially in technical and technological professions; there is no equipment to deploy training in high-tech professions, semiconductor industry, etc.

In addition, most investors limit the provision of information and labor recruitment needs, so the Department has difficulty placing orders for vocational schools to train to meet the needs” - Director of the Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs - Nguyen Hong Mai commented.

To overcome the above difficulties, aiming to achieve the targets set out in the Resolution of the 11th Provincial Party Congress, term 2020-2025, many solutions have been promoted: training to improve the qualifications of the teaching staff; editing and supplementing training programs in line with scientific and technological advances and the recruitment requirements of enterprises.

Principal of Long An College - Le Quoc Hung said: “The school always focuses on innovating teaching and learning methods in the direction of promoting positivity, proactiveness, creativity and applying knowledge and skills of learners to practice. Thereby contributing to training high-quality human resources, meeting the general development requirements of enterprises and the whole society”.

Ms. Nguyen Hong Mai affirmed: “Innovation of training content for highly skilled human resources at vocational training institutions in the province is being implemented in the direction of integrating knowledge, practical skills and teamwork. Workers are trained in both professional working style and ethical qualities. For some occupations that are planned to train as key occupations, it is necessary to apply advanced regional and international training programs, standards, and technologies, in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs".

Representatives of the Provincial Young Entrepreneurs Association and the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs sign a Plan to coordinate the organization of the Provincial Job Fair in 2024

In addition to focusing on training innovation, budget investment and socialization to equip modern machinery and equipment for vocational training institutions and job introduction are also of interest. Every year, the Provincial Employment Service Center is allocated capital to purchase equipment for the job exchange platform, connecting online jobs for workers with enterprises and serving the work of collecting, analyzing and forecasting the labor market such as computers, servers, propaganda audio systems, equipment for online job connection, infrastructure for storing labor supply and demand data; etc.

Deputy Director of the Provincial Employment Service Center - Tran Quoc Bao informed: "In the period of 2020-2025, the Center has invested more than 12 billion VND from the National Program for Sustainable Poverty Reduction. New and modern equipment has supported us to perform our professional tasks well in the context of a volatile labor market".

Workers participating in the Provincial Job Fair in 2024

According to Mr. Tran Quoc Bao, the Provincial Employment Service Center has proactively researched and expanded training occupations with vocational training institutions to meet the needs of learners, helping workers choose training courses and find suitable new jobs. Thereby contributing to increasing the rate of trained laborers with degrees and certificates according to Resolution No. 12-NQ/TU of the Provincial Party Committee on implementing the Human Resource Training Program to meet the needs of industrial and agricultural development in the province.

In addition, the province continues to cooperate with vocational training institutions outside the province to train occupations that the province has not yet trained: high technology, semiconductor technology, etc. Cooperation and association activities with foreign organizations to exchange information and experience in training and fostering teachers, receiving and transferring programs, textbooks, and implementing high-quality vocational training models are still being strengthened to increase the rate of trained laborers in the province, achieving the targets set out in the resolution./.

By Staffs - Translated by Q. Thien

