Long An: Businesses suspended operations for not implementing ‘3 on site’ from July 13, 2021
On July 11, 2021, the Long An People's Committee issued Official Letter No. 6619/UBND-VHXH on ensuring safety for epidemic prevention and control in production activities at enterprises in the province. This Official Letter replaces Official Letter No. 6618/UBND-VHXH dated July 11, 2021 of the Provincial People's Committee
For companies and enterprises that have built and implemented the production activities with the motto "3 on the site - production on the site, eating on the site and resting on the site", they will continue to operate normally (Illustration Photo)
Over the past time, in order to effectively implement the prevention and control of the Covid-19 epidemic and ensure the production activities of enterprises continuously, without breaking the production chain, the Long An People's Committee has issued many documents to guide and create conditions for businesses to operate such as Official Letter No. 1327/UBND-VHXH dated February 18, 2021, Official Letter No. 4886/UBND-VHXH dated May 29, 2021, Letter No. 4982/UBND-VHXH dated June 1, 2021 and Official Letter No. 5948/UBND-VHXH dated June 24, 2021, requesting that companies, enterprises, factories, enterprises, industrial parks, industrial clusters, border-gate economic zones strictly implement the assessment of the risk of Covid-19 infection at the workplace and the dormitory of employees according to Decision No. 2194/QD-BCDQG dated May 27, 2020 of the National Steering Committee and actively review, complete the plan for epidemic prevention and control when there is a case of Covid-19 at production establishments, businesses, industrial parks according to the guidance of the Ministry of Health in Decision No. 2787/QD-BYT dated June 5, 2021.
The situation of Covid-19 epidemic in Long An province in the early days of July 2021 is becoming more and more complicated and unpredictable. Therefore, the Provincial People's Committee issued Official Letter No. 6434/UBND-VHXH dated July 7, 2021 to implement social distancing according to Directive No. 16/CT-TTg dated March 31, 2020 by the PM for with Tan An City and districts of Duc Hoa, Ben Luc, Can Duoc and Can Giuoc from 0:00 on July 8, 2021 and implementing social distancing according to Directive No. 15/CT-TTg dated March 27/ 2020 by the PM for the remaining localities.
However, after 3 days of implementing social distancing measures according to Official Letter No. 6434/UBND-VHXH dated July 7, 2021 of the Provincial People's Committee, the compliance of the people and companies and businesses in the province has not really taken it seriously and the number of Covid-19 cases has continued to increase rapidly, especially there have been many infectious diseases in companies and enterprises inside and outside industrial zones and clusters, etc. In order to effectively prevent and control the Covid-19 epidemic in the province, to prevent an outbreak of the disease in the community and to strictly implement social distancing according to Directive No. 16/CT-TTg dated 31 on March 3, 2020 by the PM, the Provincial People's Committee requested the Executive Board of industrial parks, clusters, border-gate economic zones, and leaders of businesses inside and outside the industrial parks and clusters to urgently implement:
For companies and enterprises, cases F0, F1 have been recorded: Immediately suspend operations to focus on tracing, zoning, isolating and overcoming limitations according to regulations.
Assign the Economic Zone Authorty, the Department of Industry and Trade, the Department of Planning and Investment to coordinate with the Department of Health, People's Committees of districts, town and city, Labor Unions and relevant functional sectors to review and propose the companies and enterprises mentioned above temporarily suspend their operations and overcome limitations according to regulations.
For companies and enterprises that have built and implemented the production activities with the motto "3 on site - production on the site, eating on the site and resting on the site", they will continue to operate normally.
The Economic Zone Authority, the Department of Industry and Trade, the Department of Planning and Investment, in coordination with the Department of Health, People's Committees of districts, town and city, Labor Confederations and related functional sectors to regularly monitor and control the performance of companies and businesses.
For the remaining companies and enterprises (which have not yet implemented the production activities under the motto "3 on site"): No later than 00 o'clock on July 13, 2021, they must develop and implement the production organization according to the motto "3 on site". Note that the plan must ensure safety to prevent and control the Covid-19 epidemic according to Decision No. 2194/QD-BCDQG dated May 27, 2020 of the National Steering Committee and the guidance of the Economic Zone Management Board (for companies and enterprises in industrial parks and border-gate economic zones), Department of Industry and Trade (for companies and enterprises in industrial clusters), Department of Planning and Investment (for companies and enterprises outside the industrial parks, industrial parks, border economic zones).
In special cases because of the task of performing natural disaster prevention, security and defense and other emergency situations, the Head of the Economic Zone Authority, the Director of the Department of Industry and Trade, the Director of the Department of Planning and Investment is required to summarize and report immediately to the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee for advice and handling.
When completing the production plan under the motto "3 on site", companies and enterprises are responsible for immediately informing the People's Committees of districts, town and city and the Economic Zone Authority, the Department of Industry and Trade, Department of Planning and Investment (according to its management authority) to coordinate with relevant functional sectors to conduct appraisal, if they meet the requirements and ensures safety, they are allowed to operate.
From 00 o'clock on July 13, 2021, any company or enterprise that does not organize production according to the motto "3 on site" must suspend operations until there is a plan to organize production to ensure the motto "3 on the spot" or until the epidemic situation is well controlled.
Assign responsibilities to the Economic Zone Authority, the Department of Industry and Trade, the Department of Planning and Investment to coordinate with the Department of Health, People's Committees of districts, town and city, Labor Confederation and relevant functional sectors to guide inspect the performance of each company and enterprise according to its competence. Companies and businesses that ensure the motto "3 on site" are allowed to operate normally. Any company or enterprise that does not ensure the motto "3 on site" resolutely proposes to suspend its operation.
According to the above content, request the Executive Board of industrial parks, clusters, border-gate economic zones, leaders of enterprises inside and outside industrial parks and clusters in the province; The Economic Zone Authority, the Department of Industry and Trade, the Department of Planning and Investment, the People's Committees of districts, town and city, relevant organizations and individuals will urgently implement the Letter.
This Official Letter Dipatch replaces Official Letter No. 6618/UBND-VHXH dated July 11, 2021 by the Provincial People's Committee./.
By BLA – Translated by Duc Tam
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