Vietnamese | English

23/05/2024 - 09:05

Can Giuoc district has 15 growing area codes

Up to now, Can Giuoc district, Long An province has 15 planting area codes issued with a total area of more than 110 hectares. Of which, rice has 2 codes with an area of 16.8 hectares; vegetables have 13 codes with an area of 93.2 hectares.

Can Giuoc district has 15 growing area codes, 13 of which are for vegetables

The growing area code is the identification code for a growing area to help authorities and consumers easily trace the origin and determine the production process of agricultural products. This is also a prerequisite for agricultural products to be exported through official channels. Therefore, in recent times, the Agriculture Department of Can Giuoc district has actively propagated and guided cooperatives and people on contents related to planting area codes.

However, the code granted area still accounts for a very low proportion compared to the district's agricultural production area. According to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Can Giuoc district, to improve the quality and area, in the coming time, the district's relevant sectors will organize guidance and training for cooperatives, businesses, farmers and local technical staff; apply technical processes and good agricultural practice standards; ensure the suitable process for each region's conditions, etc.

In addition, the district will support production facilities to improve capacity and skills in production organization, quality monitoring, market access, and product information; strengthen brand management, protection and development to improve product quality and value.

In addition, Can Giuoc will review and specifically identify large-scale, concentrated production areas to request for issuance of planting area codes; guide to maintain and promote the effectiveness of growing area codes to facilitate the circulation of agricultural products on the market; build pilot models for granting and managing growing area codes for key local crops to organize evaluation and replication./.

By Song Nhi - Translated by Q. Thien

