Disbursement of capital for sending workers to work abroad
According to the Project Bringing workers abroad to work for a definite term in the period 2020-2025. Workers belonging to 2 groups of are supported with loans. Accordingly, group 1 is ethnic minorities, people of poor, near-poor households or households whose agricultural land is recovered, and relatives of people with meritorious services to the revolution. Group 2 is discharged from the army and police, workers from economically disadvantaged households that are reviewed and confirmed by the Commune People's Committee.
The maximum loan level is equal to 100 percent of the cost to work abroad under a contract between the employee and the enterprise sending the workers abroad, but not exceeding 150 million VND. The lending interest rate for group 1 is equal to the loan interest rate for poor households regulated by the Government from time to time; the interest rate of group 2 is 130 percent of the interest rate of group 1.
The loan term for working abroad must not exceed the period of the employee working abroad in the contract between the employee and the enterprise sending the worker abroad./.
By Le Ngoc - Translated by Pham Ngan
Source: https://baolongan.vn/giai-ngan-nguon-von-dua-nguoi-lao-dong-di-lam-viec-co-thoi-han-o-nuoc-ngoai-a105374.html