Vice Chairman of Long An provincial Labor Union - Le Thi Thu Cuc gives propaganda leaflets to the Duc Hoa district Labor Union
The provincial Labor Union always determined that the prevention and control of Covid-19 epidemic was an urgent task, requiring attention and mobilization of the whole Labor Union organization system in coordination with the authorities, agencies and units. After listening to the report about the advantages and difficulties in coordinating enterprises to propagate about disease prevention for the workers, the provincial Labor Union gave 800 propaganda leaflets about the Covid-19 epidemic to the Thu Thua district Labor Union to distribute to the workers.
Propagating on the prevention of Covid-19 epidemic to workers' leasing houses
Next, the delegation worked with the Duc Hoa district Labor Union and distributed leaflets to the workers at the leasing houses in Duc Hoa Ha commune. Vice Chairman of Long An provincial Labor Union - Le Thi Thu Cuc said that the provincial Labor Union directed the Labor Union at all levels to strengthen the propaganda to Union members and workers about the measures to prevent and control Covid-19 epidemic in various methods such as social networks, websites of Labor Union organization, etc.
In addition, Labor Unions at all levels should coordinate with relevant agencies in the statistics and supervision of workers in order to promptly detect suspected cases, especially cases coming from epidemic areas.
At the same time, the Labor Union had to review foreign workers, experts and Vietnamese workers from the epidemic areas to return to work in companies; provide medical equipment at the company such as labor protection equipment, masks, thermometers, antibacterial soap, and so on.
The provincial Labor Union also asked the Union officials and members, workers to propagate to their relatives about the epidemic prevention measures; not to post, share and propagate fake news to avoid causing confusion in the community./.
By Song Hong - Translated by Pham Ngan
Source: http://baolongan.vn/lien-doan-lao-dong-long-an-tuyen-truyen-phong-chong-dich-covid-19-trong-cong-nhan-lao-dong-a92740.html