Vice-Chairwoman of Labor Union - Pham Thi Quyen and Deputy Director of Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs - Nguyen Dai Tanh sign the coordination program for the period of 2019-2023 between the two sectors
In 2019, implementing the coordination program, the two sectors focused on implementing the Party's guidelines and resolutions, the State's laws; mobilized officials and employees to strive to complete political tasks, production and business plans, activities of agencies, units and enterprises.
The two sides often exchange information and coordinate in implementation to bring practical effects to the Labor Union activities and the State management of labor, contributing to harmonizing the benefits in labor relations in enterprises.
At the conference
However, the law propaganda for enterprises, workers have not been proactive, harmonious; the inspection of labor law implementation has not been frequent; and so on.
At the conference, the delegates highly appreciated the coordination results in 2019. At the same time, the two sectors signed the cooperation program for the period of 2019-2023, discussed and agreed on the implementation contents including law development; propagating policies, laws; training on labor relations, wages, social insurance, occupational safety and health, gender equality and ensuring children's rights, vocational training for workers, and so on./.
By Song Hong - Translated by Pham Ngan
Source: http://baolongan.vn/lien-doan-lao-dong-va-so-lao-dong-thuong-binh-va-xa-hoi-long-an-ky-ket-chuong-trinh-phoi-hop-cong--a85288.html