Vietnamese | English

18/02/2023 - 18:07

Regulations on granting water resource-related licences issued

The Government has issued a decree detailing the implementation of the Law on Water Resources, with regulations on granting water resource-related licences.

Illustrative image (Source: VNA)

Under Decree No. 02/2023/ND-CP, to receive the licences, organisations and individuals must complete the announcement and feedback collection, and have projects and reports that match approved relevant planning schemes.

The licence on the exploitation and use of surface water and sea water is valid for a minimum of five years and a maximum of 15 years, and can be extended several times, by three years to 10 years each. 

Meanwhile, the licence on underground water exploration has a duration of two years, with only one-time extension by less than 12 months.

The licence on underground water exploitation and use is valid within a minimum of three years and a maximum of 10 years, and can be extended several times, by two to five years each. 

The decree will come into force from March 20, 2023./.

