Sao Khue Awards Ceremony in 2018. Photo by T.B
This is the 16th year of the award to honor excellent Information Technology (IT) products and software solutions made by domestic businesses of the field.
This year’s award welcomes new criteria in nomination and evaluation. In particular, when listening to presentations about nominated products and solutions, the jury will give marks directly in accordance with the criteria of the Asia Pacific Information – Communications Technology Alliance Awards (APICTA Awards).
In addition, more categories will be added to correspond with the APICTA Awards, notably the solutions and products of startup businesses.
The registration process is simplified via the website address
Interested companies can begin signing up for this award from now until the end of March 5, 2019.
The evaluation process will take part in March 2019, and the awards ceremony will be organized in Hanoi in the end of April 2019.
This year is also the first time Vietnam has hosted the APICTA Awards.
The award is named after Venus because the star is the second-brightest natural object in the night sky after the Moon./.
SGGP News/Recorded by LAO