Long An's PII scores
Accordingly, in 2024, Long An province scores 42.05 points, ranking 12th nationwide, and 2nd in the Mekong Delta (compared to 2023, Long An decreased by 2.9 points).
Long An has 5 indicators that are strengths such as the dynamism of local government; the ratio of enterprises with ISO certificates/1,000 enterprises; trademark registration applications/1,000 enterprises; industrial design registration applications/10,000 people; foreign direct investment/GRDP; etc.
The PII report also pointed out 5 indicators that are weaknesses of the province: Number of Science and Technology organizations/10,000 people; number of Science and Technology service and professional enterprises/1,000 enterprises; ratio of labor training expenditure in total enterprise expenditure (%); rate of trained laborers aged 15 and over (%); poverty reduction rate.
Long An's startup space displaying products of manufacturing enterprises, including many innovative startups
The Provincial Innovation Index (PII) provides a realistic, comprehensive picture of the current status of socio-economic development models based on science, technology and innovation in each locality. The index provides the basis and evidence of strengths, weaknesses, potential factors and necessary conditions to promote socio-economic development based on science, technology and innovation in each locality.
PII is the only index that comprehensively assesses the current status of the socio-economic development model based on science, technology and innovation of localities, which the Government has assigned the Ministry of Science and Technology to be in charge of developing annually, starting from 2023.
The PII report will provide a basis for Government and local leaders to propose policies and decisions to implement the Politburo's Resolution on breakthroughs in science, technology, innovation and national digital transformation to strongly developing the country in the new era.
Based on the index, policy makers and local leaders have the basis to identify and select appropriate orientations and solutions for their local socio-economic development based on science, technology and innovation./.
By Mai Huong - Translated by Q. Thien
Source: https://baolongan.vn/nam-2024-long-an-xep-hang-12-trong-toan-quoc-ve-chi-so-doi-moi-sang-tao-cap-dia-phuong-a188313.html