Secretary of Long An province Party Committee Pham Van Ranh prompts authorized agencies to build plans to materialize the resolution
At the event, deputy chairman of the province People’s Committee Hoang Van Lien presented the provincial Party Committee’s plan to implement the resolution.
According to the plan, the province will strive to increase the life expectancy to 74.5, the ratio of residents attending health insurance will reach 95 percent of the provincial population and over 90 percent will satisfy with medical services by 2025. The life expectancy will move up to 75 while the ratios will surge to 95 percent and 90 percent by 2030 respectively.
By 2020, the province will effort to obtain some targets, for instance each couple in reproductive age will have two children, the sex ratio will be 103-106 males per 100 females. Urban resident ratio will top 45 percent and 100 percent of population will be managed in the system of the country’s resident database.
By 2021, the province will cut at least 10 percent of public workforce compared to 2015.

Deputies cast the ballots to introduce personnel to supplement members the 10th provincial Party Committee’s executive board in the tenure of 2015-2020
Secretary Pham Van Ranh urged party committees and unions in the province to set up plans, determine a roadmap and assign specific tasks and solutions to synchronously carry out the plans and get the set targets.
Leaders of localities and agencies must take responsibility for their leadership results in materializing plans and projects according to their jurisdiction and the fields which they are in charge of.
In addition, they should tightly supervise the implementation process of the plans, spot and solve problems and difficulties in a timely manner to limit violations at the maximum level.
He stressed that implementing the province’s plans and projects to concertize the resolution of the 6thcongress of the 12th Party Committee must be synchronous with carrying out missions in 2018 to obtain targets set by the provincial Party Committee’s resolution.
By Hong Anh – Translated by Kim Chung