The number of vaccines allocated in this phase is expected to inject the second shot for people 65 years old and older who have received the first shot of Moderna
Specifically, in this 42nd phase of allocating Covid-19 vaccine, there were 992,160 doses of Comirnaty vaccine (purchased from the state budget) with 165,430 tubes of solvent for units such as the Centers for Disease Control of provinces and cities; police force, army; institutes, hospitals, universities in the country.
In which, Long An was allocated 17,550 doses of Pfizer vaccine and 2,930 tubes of solvent. This number of vaccines is expected to inject the second shot for people 65 years old and older who received the first shot of Moderna.
The Ministry of Health also requires the units to receive vaccines and organize the immediate injection of the allocated number of Covid-19 vaccines; ensure the effective use of vaccines, for the right purposes and people, complete them as soon as possible and report the results to the Department of Preventive Medicine, the Central Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, the Institutes of Hygiene and Epidemiology/Pasteur according to management zones. The Institutes of Hygiene and Epidemiology/Pasteur carry out the import and export of vaccines and solvents for units on the National immunization information management system according to regulations. The preservation, transportation and use of vaccines comply with regulations and guidelines of the Ministry of Health.
It is known that by September 18, Long An injected a total of 1,592,576 shots, including 1,422,082 shots 1 and 170,494 shots 2. By September 10, the province had completed to inject shot 1 against Covid-19 for people aged 18 years and older 5 days before the request of the Ministry of Health and shot 2 are being carried out for people./.
By Pham Ngan – Translated by Duc Tam
Source: https://baolongan.vn/bo-y-te-phan-bo-vac-xin-phong-covid-19-dot-42-trong-do-long-an-co-17-550-lieu-pfizer-a121924.html