An overview of the conference (Photo: https://baokhanhhoa.vn/)
The November 27-29 conferences draw the participation of 21 speakers and scientists from Germany, France, Japan, the Republic of Korea and Australia.
FDSE and ACOMP are annual international forums designed for researchers, practitioners, engineers and students interested in state-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice activities in data, information, knowledge, and security engineering to explore cutting-edge ideas, present and exchange their research results and advanced data-intensive applications, as well as to discuss emerging issues on data, information, knowledge, and security engineering.
Leading researchers on cyber security technology from across the world have gathered at the events to identify new issues and directions for future related research and development work.
They offer opportunities for officials, lecturers and students of the Telecommunications University to exchange with domestic and international scientists, thus improving their knowledge and skills, especially in information technology./.