Statistics of address data in Long An province
Accordingly, Long An collected 384,425 out of 371,794 addresses, reaching 103.4% (exceeding the project target); in which, the Provincial Youth Union collected 204,571 out of 198,306 addresses (accounting for 103.16%), the Provincial Post Office collected 179,854 out of 173,488 addresses (103.67%).
The objective of the Project is to build the Vietnamese digitalized knowledge system through the synthesis, systematization, transformation into Vietnamese language, digitization, storage and dissemination of knowledge in all fields, especially support for education and training, innovation and creation.
At the same time, the project creates a favorable environment to attract people and businesses to participate; arousing passion for science and technology, creative aspirations; gradually contribute to industrially developing the digital content of Vietnam, orienting the users’ knowledge-using in the network environment.

Home page of Vietnamese digital knowledge system
The fourth revolutionary technology period is strongly impacting on all fields, map data plays a special role for applications related to finding information, directions and addresses nationwide. Therefore, Vietnam needs to build its own data system, both to serve the requirements of the State management and to meet the requirements of finding information and addresses of businesses, organizations and individuals./.
By Song Mang - Translated By Duc Tam
Source: http://baolongan.vn/long-an-hoan-thanh-viec-thu-thap-du-lieu-ban-do-so-a74416.html