Vietnamese | English

26/06/2023 - 16:36

Launching campaign "Voters make a plan to build Long An homeland"

On June 26, the Standing Committee of People's Council, People's Committee, and Standing Board of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of the province held the launching ceremony of the campaign "Voters make a plan to build Long An homeland".

Attending the launching ceremony were Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Provincial People's Council - Nguyen Van Duoc; Standing Deputy Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Head of Provincial National Assembly Delegation - Nguyen Thanh Hai; Chairman of Provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee - Truong Van No; Standing Vice Chairman of Provincial People's Council - Mai Van Nhieu; Vice Chairman of Provincial People's Committee - Nguyen Minh Lam; Vice Chairman of Provincial People's Committee - Pham Tan Hoa; representatives of provincial departments and branches and delegates of Provincial People's Council.

Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Provincial People's Council - Nguyen Van Duoc requests all classes of people to actively respond to the campaign

According to Provincial People's Council, the campaign "Voters make a plan to build Long An homeland" was first organized by the province on a large scale in order to expand democracy, mobilize wisdom, listen to the ideas and plans of the people of Long An province on innovative and breakthrough solutions for socio-economic development, Party and government building. At the same time, the campaign also aims to promote the strength of solidarity, the sense of responsibility, the aspiration to rise up, the love of the homeland, creativity, and intellectual, emotional and enthusiastic contributions of the people to the development of the province.

Delegates attending the launching ceremony

In particular, ideas and solutions in the fields of economy, culture, society, Party and government building are on the basis of exploiting and maximizing the potential and advantages of Long An province in terms of natural resources, cultural and historical values, geographical location, people, towards the goal of a developed Long An with happy people living in a safe and civilized society led by clean and strong Government.

Delegates press the button to officially launch the campaign

All good and feasible plans, suitable to the people, close to practical requirements and in accordance with the law, will be studied by the People's Council, People's Committee, and Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee to include in resolutions, plannings and solutions for management and administration, serving the province's sustainable development goals. The winners will be honored and rewarded accordingly.

The Organizing Committee gives flowers to the units that coordinated the implementation of the campaign

At the ceremony, Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Provincial People's Council - Nguyen Van Duoc affirmed that the province will make every effort to create the most favorable forum for voters and people to always accompany, participate in contributing and making plans anytime, anywhere, with the desire to mobilize the intellectual strength of the entire Party, people and army.

Sponsors for the Campaign

At the same time, those plans and contributions will be a very valuable source of material, because they come from the rich and vivid reality of life - the crystallization of the knowledge, experience and vision of the people; vividly expressing The Party's will and people's hearts, with a common determination for the fast and sustainable development of the homeland of Long An, contributing to the realization of the aspiration "By 2025, Long An will maintain its leading position in the the Mekong Delta region and striving by 2030 to become a well-developed province in the Southern Key Economic Region" according to the Resolution of the 11th Long An Provincial Party Congress, Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Provincial People's Council - Nguyen Van Duoc emphasized.

In addition, he also suggested that the whole political system from the province to the grassroots, the delegates of People's Council, relevant organizations and units step up the propaganda, mobilization, encouragement, and favorable conditions so that all classes of people, cadres, civil servants, public employees, armed forces, union members and members of their localities and units have favorable conditions to actively respond and participate in the campaign. At the same time, he called on organizations and individuals, especially the Long An Fellowman Councils to contribute to the plan, always head to the province, building the homeland to be rich, civilized and affectionate in promoting industrialization - modernization and international integration./.

By Staffs - Translated by Q. Thien

