Vietnamese | English

25/07/2023 - 11:18

Supporting and connecting OCOP products to market

In order to develop the One Commune One Product (OCOP) program and gradually improve the quality of agricultural products, over the past time, Long An's functional departments have implemented many programs and policies to support producers and production facilities, especially in connecting and finding markets for OCOP products.

Department of Agriculture and Rural Development informed that, up to now, the province has recognized 85 OCOP products, of which, there are 30 4-star products and 55 3-star products. In the province, 40 subjects are participating in OCOP progarm, including 6 cooperatives, 14 enterprises and 20 production and business households.

Mien Tay Xanh production facility brings their products made from eagle grass to many trade fairs inside and outside the province

In order to connect the market for OCOP products, functional departments have created conditions for participants to display, introduce and sell OCOP products at exhibitions and trade fairs inside and outside the province. Mien Tay Xanh Production Facility owner (Tan Chanh commune, Can Duoc district) - Bui Thanh Duoc said: "Besides the grass straws that were recognized as OCOP products in 2021, the facility is also developing a number of products made from eagle grass such as hats, bags, etc. These products have also been introduced and sold at many exhibitions and trade fairs and received good feedback from customers".

In addition, the Agriculture and Industry and Trade sectors of the province also support to develop the OCOP product introduction manual as a document to introduce, promote the trade of OCOP products; upload products information to the national OCOP product monitoring and management system; put provincial-level OCOP product information on provincial e-commerce trading floors; supports star stamps, QR code traceability stamps for OCOP certified subjects.

According to Director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development - Nguyen Thanh Truyen, the province's agriculture sector is aiming to have 30 more OCOP products in 2023 and at the same time, consolidating, upgrading and re-recognizing products with expired standards; continuing to support the completion of packaging, logos, and traceability stamps for products that have been recognized to meet OCOP standards and potential products to meet OCOP standards; supporting machinery and equipment for program participants; promoting propaganda, training to raise awareness and capacity of management for localities and productions. In particular, the sector is prioritizing the development of OCOP products in cooperatives, small and medium enterprises.

However, in order to achieve the set goals, the provincial Agriculture sector requires localities to continue promoting the propaganda about the OCOP program in order to raise awareness for officials and people, especially producers, to understand the benefits and positive economic values of OCOP program, thereby stimulating consumption, promoting production, creating conditions and motivation for producers to boldly invest and develop advantageous products of each region and each locality in the province./.

By Minh Tue - Translated by Q. Thien

