Vietnamese | English

02/07/2024 - 15:44

Long An Provincial People's Council launchs question and answer session

On July 2, continuing the working program at the 16th session, the Provincial People's Council, term X, conducted a question and answer (Q&A) session. Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council - Nguyen Van Duoc and Permanent Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council - Mai Van Nhieu chaired the session.

Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council - Nguyen Van Duoc and Permanent Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council - Mai Van Nhieu chair the session

At the Q&A session, the content will focus on pressing issues of concern to voters and delegates. In particular, the group of questions related to economic growth rate; investment attraction, compensation, site clearance, support, resettlement, issuance of land use rights certificates; slow implementation of off-budget projects; the conversion of functions of residential clusters to overcome floods; the lack of water for daily use in the dry season; land change adjustment; the management of commercial housing, residential areas, and urban areas; payment of pensions and policies through banks; protecting the safety of people's personal information and handling high-tech crimes; 10th grade admission and student streaming; teacher recruitment; non-agricultural tax collection; late payment of social insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance for employees, etc.

Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council - Nguyen Van Duoc speaks at the Q&A session

Speaking at the Q&A session, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council - Nguyen Van Duoc request the Provincial People's Council delegates to raise questions and queries concisely, specifically, clearly, the content of the query must be related to the problem being questioned, clarifying the problem, focusing on solutions over explanations and aiming for the optimal solution, creating positive changes in with a constructive, democratic, frank and open spirit.

Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee - Nguyen Minh Lam reports on the results of implementing the Resolution of the Provincial People's Council on Q&A activities at the 13th meeting

Regarding the subject answering questions, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council - Nguyen Van Duoc requested to answer directly, accurately, and fully the contents of questions asked by delegates of the Provincial People's Council; clearly define responsibilities, measures and deadlines to overcome limitations and inadequacies as well as further explain the issues raised by delegates related to the content being questioned and the responsibilities of their sector.

"The general spirit of the Q&A  session is to answer frankly, with high responsibility, to take seriously, ask for advice, tell the truth, do the truth, so that people can be truly satisfied", Provincial Secretary Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council - Nguyen Van Duoc emphasized./.

By Staffs - Translated by Q. Thien

