Vietnamese | English

27/06/2024 - 16:53

Long An Provincial Youth Union summarizes first 6 months of 2024

On June 27, Provincial Youth Union Standing Committee held a conference to summarize its work in the first 6 months of 2024 and deploy directions and tasks for the last 6 months.

Attending the conference were representatives of the South Office of Central Vietnam Youth Union - Tran Thanh Binh, representatives of agencies, departments and branches; Provincial Youth Union leaders and officials at district, town and city levels.

With the theme of the Year of Youth Volunteers, the province's Youth Union's work achieved many important results on all aspects, notably the application of digital transformation and promoting volunteer activities. Therefore, in the first 6 months of the year, most of the annual program targets exceeded 60%.

The Union's propaganda and education methods have been innovated through posting and sharing news articles on mass media. Thereby, many models and activities of the Youth Union create widespread effects.

Secretary of Provincial Youth Union - Tran Hai Phu speaks at the conference

National flag trail projects, Youth taking care of martyrs' recognition projects, Filial model, Continuing the Long An tradition of loyalty and resilience associated with recruiting new union members at red addresses, the project of digitizing historical and cultural relics, etc attracted many youth union members to participate. The movement to build new rural areas has been jointly implemented by the Provincial Youth Union at the grassroots level with many effective models such as Model Road, Youth Flower Road, Bright - Green - Clean - Beautiful - Safe Route.

In addition, union members and youth together lit up more than 12km of rural roads; mobilized resources to repair and build more than 20 new houses for policy families and households with difficult housing circumstances with a total value of nearly 2 billion VND.

Can Duoc District Youth Union and Provincial Military Command Youth Union receive the Emulation Flag for excellent units in Youth Union work and youth movements of the residential area block in 2023

Joining hands to take care for and protect teenagers and children, all levels of Unions - Associations organized many playgrounds, supported housing, gave gifts and scholarships to more than 7,000 children in difficult circumstances, through projects such as the Red Scarf House, Lighting up Vietnamese children's dreams, Helping friends go to school, For beloved juniors, the Youth Union's foster child model, etc.

To respond to the youth entrepreneurship movement among young people, the Provincial Youth Union launched the organization of the 5th Long An Province Innovation Startup Competition in 2024; launched an information page introducing typical startup products of Long An youth. Currently, the whole province has 15/15 districts, towns and cities that maintain and establish youth economic development models.

Provincial Youth Union presents Certificate of Merit for individuals and collectives with good achievements in 2024

On this occasion, the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union Central Committee authorized the Provincial Youth Union to award the Emulation Flag for excellent units in Youth Union work and youth movements of the Residential Area Block in 2023 to Can Duoc District Youth Union and Provincial Military Command Youth Union; awarded Certificate of Merit for outstanding achievements in implementing Youth Month 2024 activities to 1 group and 2 individuals. In addition, the Provincial Youth Union also awarded 16 certificates of merit to individuals and groups with good and excellent achievements in their work in 2024.

Concluding the conference, Secretary of Provincial Youth Union - Tran Hai Phu emphasized that all levels of Youth Union and Association need to propagate and promote the 2024 Summer Youth Volunteer Campaign, summer activities for children; continue to carry out activities to welcome the 7th Congress of Vietnam Youth Union of Long An province, term 2024 - 2029./.

By Hoang Lan - Translated by Q. Thien

