Vietnamese | English

27/06/2024 - 11:48

Vice Chairman of Provincial People's Committee - Pham Tan Hoa inspects exam areas in Tan An city

On June 27, Vice Chairman of Long An Provincial People's Committee, Head of the Steering Committee for the 2024 High School Graduation Exam of the province - Pham Tan Hoa inspected exam areas in Tan An City, Long An province.

The delegation inspects the exam rooms at the Hung Vuong High School

The delegation went to the exam area  of Hung Vuong High School and Nhut Tao Secondary School to check the facilities such as exam room, council room, equipment for the exam, etc.

The inspection delegation at the council room

Today, candidates officially enter the 2024 High School Graduation Exam with 2 subjects: Literature (morning) and Mathematics (afternoon). In Literature, candidates have 120 minutes to complete the exam, and in Mathematics, candidates have 90 minutes to complete the exam.

The delegation discusses with officials working at the exam area at Nhut Tao Secondary School

It is known that the Hung Vuong High School exam site has 492 candidates registered with 22 exam rooms; Nhut Tao Secondary School has 666 candidates registered with 29 exam rooms.

The exam areas provided information about the general situation to the delegation. Accordingly, all preparation works were implemented smoothly, safely and seriously.

Vice Chairman of Provincial People's Committee - Pham Tan Hoa visits and encouragse candidates before entering the Literature exam

The delegation visited and encouraged the exam season support forces at the exam areas, which are local associations and organizations to participate in distributing water, preparing ballpoint pens, pencils, etc for candidates in need.

Vice Chairman of Provincial People's Committee - Pham Tan Hoa encourages the exam season support forces

Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee - Pham Tan Hoa also sent greetings and encouragement to candidates at exam areas. He sent best wishes to the candidates to stay calm and confident in taking the exam and achieve good results./.

By Staffs - Translated by Q. Thien

