Long An strives to have 20,000 registered businesses by 2025
The above goal is part of the plan according to Resolution No. 45 dated March 31, 2023 of the Government promulgating the Action Program to continue implementing Resolution No. 10 dated June 3 2017 of the 12th Party Central Committee on developing the private economy to become an important driving force of the socialist-oriented market economy.
The plan was issued to concretize the tasks and solutions proposed in the Resolution, assign specific tasks associated with the functions of agencies and units in accordance with the characteristics of the actual conditions of the province, ensuring the highest practicality, feasibility and efficiency to help private economic development become an important driving force of the socialist-oriented market economy, contributing to rapid and sustainable socio-economic development, enhancing the autonomy and self-reliance of the economy.
Recently, Long An has been considered one of the bright spots in attracting investment in the Mekong Delta region as well as the whole country. Currently, the province is the home of more than 16,000 businesses. In the target set for 2025, the province will have 20,000 businesses registered; By 2030, the number will increase by 35% - 40% compared to 2025. By 2025, the contribution of the private economic sector (non-state economy including household economy) will account for 70% of the total added value of the provincial economy and strive to reach 75% by 2030.
Long An deployed 5 groups of key tasks and solutions to achieve the above goal. In particular, the province continues to synchronously deploy solutions to improve a investment and business environment to develop the private economy; expand the private economy's ability to participate in the market and promote fair competition; develop infrastructure and increase access to resources of the private economy; support the private economy to innovate, modernize technology and develop human resources, improve labor productivity; improve the effectiveness and efficiency of State management./.
By Chau Son - Translated by Q. Thien
Source: https://baolongan.vn/long-an-phan-dau-den-nam-2025-co-20-000-doanh-nghiep-dang-ky-hoat-dong-a162591.html