Efforts to increase state budget collection
Localities in Long An province are focusing on implementing many measures to increase state budget revenue, ensuring the achievement and exceeding the annual plan.
By the end of October 2020, Duc Hoa district had budget revenue of nearly 990 billion VND, in which there was a great contribution from businesses (Photo: Thanh My)
Focusing on exploiting well sources of revenue
As one of the province's key industrial development, the society-economy of Duc Hoa district has had many strong changes compared to before. The district is constantly innovating, developing, and rising to the top position of the province. Economic growth is stable and maintained at a relatively high level. The people's spiritual and material life has been continuously improved. This result has the contribution of state budget revenue.
It is determined that the state budget plays an important role in socio-economic development, so right from the beginning of the year, when the district was assigned revenue estimates from the provincial level, leaders of Duc Hoa district focused on drastically directing, implementing many solutions to ensure the well collect revenue sources, correctly and fully collected and increase revenue sources in the area. For the high revenues, the district continues to promote; while the revenues are low, the locality always finds solutions for timely disassembly. Thanks to that, the state budget revenue in the district next year is always higher than the previous year. If the district budgeted collected more than 500 billion VND in 2016, it would be more than 1,200 billion VND in 2019, a high rate compared to the estimate assigned by the province or district. The average annual budget revenue in the district increased more than 12 percent.
Long An's socio-economic development has the contribution to state budget collection
According to representatives of ATAD Steel Structure Joint Stock Company (located in Duc Hoa Thuong Commune, Duc Hoa District), the company always strives to complete annual production and business plans to ensure the interests of employees and company’s profit. The company always complies with and fully complies with the provisions of the law, including financial obligations to the State. The company declares tax, pays the full taxes according to the regulations, contributing to local development.
According to Chairman of the Duc Hoa People's Committee - Le Truong Chinh, at the beginning of the year, the district has proposed specific solutions to effectively implement, since then, the State budget collection has made many breakthroughs in recent years. The district promotes the exploitation and good management of revenue sources associated with the inspection and prevention of tax loss. By the end of October 2020, the total state budget collection in the district reached nearly 990 billion VND (reaching 100.42 percent of the estimate assigned by the province, reaching 89.83 percent of the estimate assigned by the district and equaling 100.37 percent compared to the same period).
Strengthening the management of state budget revenues
Chairman of the People's Committee of Duc Hoa district - Le Truong Chinh said that the Covid-19 epidemic has affected the operations of some units and enterprises over the past time, causing difficulties and challenges in state budget revenue. The district directs the tax authorities, relevant departments and divisions to strengthen key solutions to fulfill the State budget collection task. In particular, the district promotes a sense of responsibility, activeness, creativity, synchronous implementation of effective tax management solutions, strictly controlling revenue sources, etc.
In addition, the district promptly propagated new tax policies for taxpayers to grasp and implement; organize dialogues, remove related problems, create favorable conditions for taxpayers; strengthening tax administrative procedure reform. At the same time, the district organizes to exploit well sources of revenue, nurture revenue sources, strictly control the revenues, properly and fully collect all sources, strive to exceed the estimate of the annual draft ordinance on state budget collection.
Similarly, Can Giuoc district clearly defines the important role of state budget collection for local socio-economic development. District leaders consider this a key task and implement many solutions to complete the highest estimate of assigned province and district. The district organizes the good exploitation of revenue sources, increases revenue sources, strictly controls revenues, collects correct and full revenues and prevents revenue loss. Monthly, quarterly, the district checks the collection progress and compares it with the plan to have effective solutions to disassembly and collection. Thanks to that, the state budget collection in the district has made breakthroughs and achieved many positive figures.
Can Giuoc district has had state budget revenue of about 500 billion VND by the end of October 2020
Mr. Nguyen Huu Toan, living in Can Giuoc townlet, Can Giuoc district, said: “My family actively participates in programs and activities launched by the locality. Small-scale household business, always complying and fully paying taxes according to the State's regulations to contribute to the construction of the homeland ”.
Chairman of the People's Committee of Can Giuoc district - Nguyen Tuan Thanh information: The total state budget revenue in the district as of the end of October 2020 is about 500 billion VND (reaching 96.32 percent of the estimate assigned by the province, reaching 91.86 percent of the estimate that the district assigned at the beginning of the year, as much as 129.54 percent over the same period in 2019). The State budget collection in the province recently achieved positive numbers. In addition to the achievement, the state budget collection is affected by the extension of time to pay value added tax, corporate income tax, personal income tax and land rental according to Decree No. 41/ND-CP, dated April 8, 2020 on extension of land rental and tax payment deadline; at the same time, implementing tax exemption or reduction for business households that are suspended or terminated due to the implementation of Directive No. 16/CT-TTg, dated March 31, 2020 of the Prime Minister and Official Telegram No. 1655/CD-UBND , dated March 31, 2020, of the Provincial People's Committee.
The district will direct departments and divisions to strengthen coordination with Tax Departments, People's Committees of communes and towns to focus heavily on the fight against tax loss and tax arrears. In addition, the district strengthens inspection, especially in the areas, where revenues are likely to lose revenue; promote propaganda of new tax policies, actively guide taxpayers in tax declaration, fulfill tax obligations; strengthen the mobilization of collection of fees and charges of all kinds, especially the collection of garbage charges; focus on exploiting deferred taxes due; to focus on directing the collection of key revenue sources such as value added tax, corporate income tax, and personal income tax. At the same time, the district organizes the implementation of policies on solving difficulties, assisting taxpayers to cope with the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic to the right people (tax extension, tax reduction, etc.) to try to ensure state budget revenue reaches and exceeds the plan as planned. In addition, the district checks, manages and closely supervises recurrent expenditure, ensuring that spending is in accordance with the annual budget plan arranged in the spirit of thrift. Based on revenue sources, allocating expenditures appropriately, minimizing unplanned expenses that are not really necessary and making state budget estimates for 2021.
According to the representative of the Provincial Tax Department, every year, when the budget estimates are assigned, the provincial advisory unit drastically directs in the collection of state budget, coordinating with the departments, branches and localities in the process of tax collection management, organize the good use of revenue sources, strengthen the prevention of revenue loss and recover arrears, etc. Besides, the unit also organizes propaganda and dissemination of new tax regulations and policies to tax payers, reform of administrative procedures in the tax sector, and so on to ensure the achievement and exceeding of the assigned budget estimates./.
By Thanh My – Translated by Duc Tam
Source: https://baolongan.vn/no-luc-tang-thu-ngan-sach-nha-nuoc-a105021.html
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