Long An strives for the proportion of processing and manufacturing industry in GRDP to reach about 46% - 48% in the 2030 period
The Project on Restructuring Industry and Trade of Long An Province in the 2030 period is based on the view of restructuring to quickly and sustainably develop the Industry and Trade sector, on the basis of innovation and digital transformation to improve productivity, quality, efficiency and added value.
Long An will effectively implement the Project on restructuring the Industry and Trade sector in the period to 2030; striving to develop Long An into a dynamic, efficient and sustainable economic development center of the Southern region based on green and modern industry, thereby promoting economic restructuring, improving growth quality, labor productivity and competitiveness of the Industry and Trade sector to meet the needs of socio-economic development, serving the cause of industrialization, modernization, implementing the project of fast and sustainable economic growth in Long An in the period of 2021-2030.
Long An Industry and Trade sector will focus on strongly developing the domestic market; promoting the role of trade, production development to meet consumer demand; continuing to develop overseas markets to rapidly increase exports, diversify import and export markets, promote and enhance the effectiveness of international integration associated with sustainable development.
In particular, Long An determined the specific task to focus on 5 areas: "Industry, energy, import and export, domestic market, international economic integration” and must be associated with the tasks and solutions of the Project on Restructuring the Industry and Trade sector for the period 2030 approved by the Prime Minister in Decision No. 165, dated February 28, 2023.

Regarding commerce, Long An continues to develop high-quality commercial services towards modern conveniences
Accordingly, the Industry and Trade sector sets specific targets for each industry. Specifically in industry, the provincve is building a strong industry with new production capacity, self-reliance, adaptability, high resilience, spearhead industries such as high-tech, manufacturing, supporting, clean energy, to be environmentally sustainable and reduce labor intensive; forming high-quality industrial zones and clusters to call for domestic and foreign investment; developing supporting industries to meet international quality standards capable of exporting, linking to form industrial development chains; ensuring the balance between energy supply and demand, synchronously develop the transmission grid infrastructure to meet the power source capacity. It is expected that by 2030, the industrial production index will increase by an average of 13%/year; the proportion of processing and manufacturing industry in GRDP to be about 46% - 48%; the proportion of energy industry in GRDP to be about 11%; the rate of energy consumption per unit of GRDP to decrease by 1% - 1.5%/year.
Regarding commerce, Long An continues to develop high-quality commercial services towards modern conveniences; improve the quality of trade and service activities between urban and rural areas. By 2030, the average growth rate of total retail sales of goods and services is expected to increase by 13% - 14%/year; the province hopes to maintain a trade balance surplus with an export growth rate higher than import and an average increase of 10% - 10.5%/year in the 2021-2030 period.
To implement the Project on Industry and Trade Restructuring, the Provincial People's Committee assigned the Department of Industry and Trade to be the focal agency to coordinate with other departments, branches and localities to directly implement the contents of the plan and monitor the implementation process; research, develop and advise Provincial People's Committee to issue specific mechanisms and policies to encourage investment in production development, industrial and commercial infrastructure development in the province./.
By Mai Huong - Translated by Q. Thien
Source: https://baolongan.vn/long-an-tai-co-cau-nganh-cong-thuong-giai-doan-den-nam-2030-tap-trung-vao-5-linh-vuc-a159858.html