Vietnamese | English

26/06/2024 - 15:18

Tighten good friendship between the youths of Long An and Chungcheongnam

Long An (Vietnam) and Chungcheongnam (South Korea) - the two provinces that are geographically far apart but have an increasingly close friendship and cooperation relationship, especially between the youths. In recent years, exchange and cooperation activities between the youth of the two provinces have taken place regularly and effectively, contributing to strengthening mutual understanding and cultivating solidarity and friendship.

Delegation of officials, pupils and students of Long An province visits and participates in cultural exchange and experience activities in Chungcheongnam, South Korea

From June 18 to June 22, the delegation of outstanding officials, pupils and students of Long An province included 22 members led by Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Youth Union, Chairman of the Provincial Vietnamese Student Association - Pham Van Hau visited and participated in cultural exchange and experience activities in Chungcheongnam, South Korea.

Long An youth learns about the culture and cuisine of South Korea

During this cultural exchange trip, the delegation visited and participated in many activities such as visiting and experiencing agricultural activities and interacting at the apple farm in Yesan district; visiting, experiencing, and exchanging cultural at Chungcheongnam Provincial Youth Training Institute; visiting and learning about traditional Korean culture at Baekje cultural area in Buyeo district and Magok temple in Gongju city, Chungcheongnam province.

Youth from the two provinces exchange culture and arts

Besides, the group also visited, experienced, and had cultural exchanges at the Independence Palace Monument, Cheonan city, Chungcheongnam province; participated in international exchange activities between youth of the two provinces at the Central Youth Training Academy in Cheonan city, Chungcheongnam province; participated in cultural exchange and experience activities at Sunshine land, Nonsan city, Chungcheongnam province; visited, experienced, and learned Korean culture at Gyeongbokgung Palace and Myeongdong neighborhood, Seoul.

This is an opportunity for the youth of Long An province to interact, learn and exchange experiences with the youth of Chungcheongnam province, South Korea.

Deputy Secretary of Long An Provincial Youth Union, Chairman of Provincial Vietnamese Student Association - Pham Van Hau said that the 5-day and 4-night cultural exchange experience activities in Chungcheongam province, South Korea left many good memories for pupils and students from Long An (Vietnam) and Chungcheongam (Korea).

This cultural exchange activitiy contributes to strengthening the cooperative relationship between the two countries Vietnam - Korea in general, and between the two provinces Long An - Chungcheongnam in particular; creating opportunities for youth of Long An province to interact, learn and exchange experiences with youth of Chungcheongnam province, thereby introducing the image of the country and people of Vietnam in general and of the brave and resilient Long An in particular.

This activity contributes to introducing the image of the country and people of Vietnam in general and of the brave and resilient Long An in particular.

Through this activity, it also helps students learn and practice many skills, enhance social knowledge, and have an environment to exchange and learn practical experiences; At the same time, it helps them have more aspirations to contribute and grow./.

By Ha Lan - Translated by Q. Thien

