Vietnamese | English

10/09/2024 - 15:53

Developing cultural industry must go hand in hand with perfecting cultural market

Although the cultural industry is still new, Long An has promoted and disseminated knowledge to agencies, units and localities in the province; created favorable conditions for enterprises operating in the fields of culture, arts, sports and tourism to develop, contributing to introducing the unique culture of Long An to domestic and international friends.

Lawyer Nguyen Huu Tho Memorial Site (Ben Luc District)

Cultural tourism - a key sector

Cultural industry is considered the “golden goose” of many economies in the world. In Vietnam, the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 1755/QD-TTg, dated September 8, 2016, approving the Strategy for the development of cultural industries in Vietnam to 2020, with a vision to 2030.

The Prime Minister directed the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism to develop a plan to implement the Strategy for the development of cultural industries in Vietnam to 2020, with a vision to 2030 in Official Dispatch No. 413/BVHTTDL-BQTG, dated February 13, 2017.

Accordingly, the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial People's Committee regularly direct relevant departments and branches to specify the goals, tasks and key solutions in the Strategy through the annual work program.

The Provincial People's Committee identifies a number of key tasks as building and developing a number of cultural industries in parallel with building and perfecting the cultural market with many specific requirements.

Relevant departments and branches, according to their functions and tasks, must create a favorable investment and business environment and conditions for enterprises operating in the fields of culture, arts, sports and tourism to attract social resources to develop, introduce, promote and exchange typical cultural products of the province; encourage enterprises to invest in developing cultural industries with advantages and potential of the province such as performing arts, cultural tourism, advertising, handicrafts, etc.

According to Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism - Nguyen Thanh Thanh, the province creates favorable conditions for enterprises operating in the fields of culture, arts, sports, tourism, etc. Enterprises also build cultural products associated with the image of people and homeland of Long An, contributing to introducing the unique culture of Long An to domestic and international friends.

Also according to Mr. Nguyen Thanh Thanh, after 8 years of implementing Decision No. 1755/QD-TTg, dated September 8, 2016 of the Prime Minister approving the Strategy for developing cultural industries in Vietnam to 2020, with a vision to 2030, the province's culture, sports and tourism sector has achieved many positive results.

The province's major festivals and historical and cultural relic sites increasingly attract people and tourists inside and outside the province, contributing significantly to promoting the cultural characteristics, land and people of Long An.

The effectiveness of linking cultural activities with tourism development, taking advantage of tourism potential to attract investment resources for cultural and tourism development is increasingly evident. The province's tourism promotion work is focused on through information channels, propaganda and organization of political and cultural events.

Cultural tourism is one of the province's highlights. In addition to outstanding fairs and tourism events inside and outside the province, in September 2022, Long An Provincial Culture - Tourism Week with many special programs and events took place successfully to promote the image of people and cultural beauty of Long An.

The event attracted nearly 200,000 domestic and international tourists and local people to visit and experience. Through the Culture - Tourism Week, tourists know more about Long An with a series of products and tourist destinations such as Lawyer Nguyen Huu Tho Memorial Site, Vam Nhut Tao Historical Site, Tan Lap Floating Village, Rach Cat Fort relic site, Provincial Revolutionary Historical Site, My Quynh safari, Happy Land, Rio tourist area, Chavi Garden, etc.

Chavi Garden Tourist Area (Ben Luc District)

These tourist attractions are gradually contributing to the development of cultural industry in Long An. The province is also urgently taking steps to prepare for the organization of the Long An Province Culture - Sports - Tourism Week in 2024.

Reviewing resources and conditions for developing cultural industry

To date, the province has 126 historical - cultural relics, including 21 national relics, 105 provincial relics and 3 historical cultural works.

Every year, these destinations attract more than 100,000 visitors. Of which, about 85,000 visitors visit the historical relics and cultural works managed by the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, including: Duc Hoa Crossroads Historical Relic Area; Binh Thanh Base (Provincial Revolutionary Historical Relic Area); Base of the Southern Resistance and Administrative Committee and Long An Monument Park.

Vo Cong Ton Brick Kiln and House Relic (Ben Luc District)

According to Mr. Nguyen Thanh Thanh, in order to develop cultural industries, in terms of long-term strategy, the province has built and effectively implemented the Project developing a number of cultural industries in Long An province in the period of 2025-2030, with a vision to 2045; reviewed the current status of resources and conditions for developing cultural industries in the province in the coming time.

In particular, the province continues to consult experts on the orientation of developing cultural industries in the province; raise awareness and responsibility of all levels and sectors on the role of resources for developing cultural industries; make the best use of the potential and comparative advantages of the province's resources to develop cultural industries.

In particular, the province continues to preserve and promote the value of cultural heritages, because these are important elements of the country's intangible resources. These are historical relics, national cultural identities, customs, practices, folk festivals, etc.

To do this, the province needs to inventory, survey, and evaluate the cultural heritage system; strengthen the application of science and technology in protecting and preserving heritages; scientifically restore and renovate degraded tangible cultural heritages; promote heritage education for generations, especially the younger generation.

The province promotes learning from the experiences of a number of provinces, Hanoi, and Ho Chi Minh City in developing cultural industries, focusing on exchanging experiences in creating financial resources, developing human resources; protecting intangible resources; acquiring experience in management resources, science and technology, brand building, protecting intellectual property rights, implementing policies to promote resources in developing cultural industries./.

Cultural industry includes 12 fields: advertising; architecture; software and games; handicrafts; design; cinema; publishing; fashion; performing arts; fine arts, photography and exhibitions; television and radio; cultural tourism.

By Mai Huong - Translated by Q. Thien

